Strategy Week – Occupy Sheffield We are the 99% Tue, 21 Nov 2017 12:24:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Occupy Sheffield Strategy Week Sat, 07 Jan 2012 02:27:52 +0000 Occupy Sheffield is having a Strategy Week, with discussions at each General Assembly from Saturday 7th January, every day, for a week, at 6:30pm at the Church Street Camp (Map).

The recent correspondence and threats from the Cathedral have brought our future into focus, and it was decided this evening at GA (6th January GA notes) that an extended discussion of the future of Occupy Sheffield would be a good idea. Given that we can’t get everyone to the same meeting as people have outside commitments, and that this will be a very wide-ranging and extended conversation, we decided that it would be best to have this discussion over a period of a week, as part of the general assemblies.

For the next week, strategy will be at the start of every GA agenda. There is no defined end date for this conversation, as we may come to a quick consensus, or it may take a long time to thrash out what we want to achieve. At the start of every meeting, someone will relay the state of the conversation from the end of the previous meeting, and at the end, someone will be nominated to do the same for the following meeting.

If you would like to influence the future of Occupy Sheffield, and have a say in where we go from here, then please make a special effort to come to general assemblies over the next week.

For clarity, although this decision was prompted by the most recent letter from the Cathedral, the feeling at tonight’s GA was that we need to discuss this anyway.

As always, we invite the Cathedral, other faith groups, charities, trades unions and individuals to join us in the world’s biggest think tank, to work out what the future should look like, and how we get there, together.

In solidarity, Occupy Sheffield.

6th January 2012

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