Comments on: Occupy Sheffield Statement – 14th November 2011 We are the 99% Mon, 30 Jan 2012 16:08:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jon Hall Thu, 17 Nov 2011 00:52:24 +0000 All wars are engineered. 9/11 was an inside job. More money is spent on arms, than health, education, food, clean water, hospitals, jobs, housing etc etc, put together. THIS is where most of our money goes. The amount spent on bankers’ extortionate wages etc is relatively minor compared to this.

We spend £trillions on the mass murder of humans and animals, and the destruction of this Planet. Reaction inevitably follows action.

Global financial debt and Karmic debt is inevitable. We are all responsible!!!

Campaigns against cuts etc remain FUTILE unless we bravely face the above facts and speak out and act in unity accordingly.

We not only allow, but CAUSE mass murder, multiple genocide, through our actions, inaction, and silence. Without our cooperation, wars etc are not possible. We provide the money, silent consent, votes, labour, raw materials, steel, etc, to make wars etc possible.

Form small groups at work, college, school, home, etc, to discuss and act upon local and global problems. Communication, cooperation, education, and unity is essential.

The 99% – the 7 billion – must take responsibility for their own actions, inaction and silence,
and not use authority/corporations/banks as scapegoats, to shift the blame onto. They are the crazy minority who we must STOP obeying. We are the sane majority who must take control.

“If we don’t do the impossible, we will be faced with the inevitable” – Petra Kelly, Founder of the German Green Party.

Inner change must precede outer change

We must DEMAND our employees (i.e. ALL authority, whose high wages we pay) to obey the public. We are not their slaves.

We give govts £billions so they can murder millions (for oil etc). So we vote for these madmen!!! 7 billion are responsible for all atrocities inflicted upon children, animals, and the Holy Mother Earth.

Thank you for all your brilliant work and dedication for world peace and justice.

“Become the person you want the world to be” Gandhi

“The nature of man is always the same; it is their habits that separate them”

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller


Warning – Vaccinations are totally ineffective, and are harmful. So why do you think they are giving FREE vaccines to protesters in USA?! We are being lied to about vaccines, which are only used to make profit, dumbing down, and depopulation, by the rich materialistic corrupt drugs/vivisection/vaccine industry.

We have to overcome 200 years of brainwashing and conditioning that tells us that mercury etc is good for you. The earth is not flat. Vaccines are totally ineffective.

Vaccines destroy the immune and nervous systems.

Don’t believe their tricks and lies. $£$£

By: jeanwildgoose Wed, 16 Nov 2011 21:16:33 +0000 I’m a camper , though I don’t stay at night (as advised by my doctor) because of health problems – thanks for that reminder of Martin Luther’s words – first heard from a friend who was a pastor and an activist “Hier stehe ich – ich kan nicht anders”

By: zapatista Wed, 16 Nov 2011 12:31:27 +0000 I do on occasions attend my local church and support some of their activities – as for the masses, its often best to take a stout coat and gloves I find, as the masses tend not to generate much heat. Had the church as you say simply asked the police to move the camp – that would have been a real pr own goal I think – so dispute your assertion that it has been generous – I think its basically waiting its time, gathering the evidence it needs to justify its position and then the move will come. The wider media are waiting as they see it coming and the comments on bbc last night just reinforce that view. Its a pity the message of support of the masses as you say is not going upwards to the management of the church isn’t it. I think the cost incurred to the church and the bad publicity it would generate is the real reason they are holding off but I’m sure they’ll take confidence from OWS, London, Manchester, Cardiff and take action soon.

By: JoeP Wed, 16 Nov 2011 11:02:40 +0000 The Church authorities have been generous because they could have simply called the Police in and asked them to move us on from Day 1. Simple as that. They chose not to, and will no doubt be getting some stick from some of the people of Sheffield because of that decision.

As for ‘Christianity for the masses’ – I suggest you attend a Church service in any of the Churches around the city. You will find ‘the masses’ worshipping there. You’ll also find them supporting movements like this. You will find them involved in the Peace Movement, fair trade movement, etc.

Rightly or wrongly, we have no God (or man) given right to camp where we wish; realistically we camp where we can, make it work, or get moved on. Making it work is the best option – by having a base to work from we can engage with people who’re not already converts to the cause.

By: zapatista Wed, 16 Nov 2011 10:44:03 +0000 I’m not convinced the church has been ‘incredibily generous’ actually tyred – can you show where they have?

They wanted the camp gone on Day 1 – see the footage and as I see it they have not moved one jot in modifying that – the church representative was on BBC last night saying ‘he wanted the camp gone’ – as for the site manager being a ‘prat’ – perhaps that was unfair, but I see no evidence in his threats of reporting the camp to the police as being anything other.

As for resolving these issues – these issues will not be gone till the camp is and looking at developments elsewhere Nottingham Cardiff, Bradford, London that will be happening soon no doubt. Then we shall see just how ‘generous’ they are then.

By: Occupy Sheffield Tue, 15 Nov 2011 09:24:22 +0000 Hi Zap

We’re in regular communication with the Cathedral management and one of our occupiers has just been on Radio Sheffield in a discussion with the Dean.

The relationship between the Occupysheffield and the Cathedral is a delicate one and you’re not helping by calling Carl Hutton a prat on a public forum.

By: Occupy Sheffield Tue, 15 Nov 2011 09:17:06 +0000 Hi havekippawilltravel

OccupySheffield realised from very early on that the camp must be drug and alchohol free and it is. In fact it’s something that we’re very strict about.

By: JoeP Tue, 15 Nov 2011 09:13:38 +0000 From pretty early on the issues you raise were in quite a few people’s minds – there are a number of signs around the site indicating no drink / drugs and also stating that people appearing to be drunk will be asked to leave.

By: JoeP Tue, 15 Nov 2011 09:12:05 +0000 As a Christian myself, my faith indicates to me that I should support Occupy. As Martin Luther is reputed to have said about another issue:

“To go against conscience is neither right nor safe. I cannot, and I will not recant. Here I stand. I can do no other.”

The authorities of the Cathedral have their own responsibilities that they have to execute as they see fit. Calling folks “a right prat” will not help our cause in any way, especially as colleagues will be talking to the cathedral authorities to resolve these issues.
